Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ten People Shot Dead in Mexico

On March 28 ten children and young adults were killed in Pueblo Nuevo, Mexico presumably by drug traffickers. No arrests have been made in the incident yet but Mexican Federal Police are invesigating the crime. The unknown gunmen apparently set up a fake checkpoint, then shot and threw grenades at victims while they were returning home from school.

I think an incident such as this is a horrible occurance. There needs to be more security in areas like this. One way they could do that is to separate the police force into more areas and have them cover more ground. This would not be too difficult to do.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Health Care: Comprehensive vs. Incremental Health Care Reform.

Those who are pushing for universal health care believe that everyone should have equal access to medical care regardless of age, health condition, or income level. By implementing universal health care, advocates say that the government could be the single controller, the single purchaser, acting on behalf of all (also known as a government-sponsored medical program). On the flip side, those who oppose universal health care (mostly Conservatives) think that way not because they wish to deprive anyone of medical care, they say, but because a government-controlled system would weaken the people's power over the insurance companies. According to them a weakened body of citizens would cause the companies to raise prices; without people in charge of their own research on which company is best, the insurance agencies have no motive to reduce prices, trying to gain customers. Because of all this taxes would skyrocket. Conservatives believe that enhancing tax-free Health Savings Accounts and offering tax deductions for people who buy their own health insurance are potential solutions to the problem.

It is my opinion that health care reform is a necessity. But the way to go about this is not through universal health care. As Conservatives have outlined, taxes would increase, not everyone would receive health care anyway, and companies would feel free to charge any price. Thus it becomes a cyclical problem: Insurance companies continue to raise prices because government is paying for health insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid; the government is forced to raise taxes to cover costs; the people pay the higher taxes; and the insurance companies, realizing that the people were willing to pay the higher costs, raise their prices again. Because people aren't shopping around for their own deals but rather letting someone else pay for it, they are blind to how much the insurance companies are charging. A second issue with universal health care is that the people who are already paying for their own health care have the added burden of paying taxes on another person's health insurance. There are many cases where the people who don't have health insurance lack it because of choice, not necessity. Or they are unemployed and perhaps not even looking for a job but still have the audacity to demand that someone else pay their hospital bills. JB Williams, a journalist for Conservative Truth.org, says that this so called reform for privatized health care is more like the wiping out of privatized health care.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Man fatally stabs 8 schoolchildren in China

A 41 year old man entered the school grounds of the Experimental School in Nanping City, stabbbing eight children to death and wounding five others. This attack occured shortly after 7:00 AM. This school is considered to be one of the best in the city.

Schools clearly need more security--especially inner city schools such as this one. This school may have been considered one of the best but after this bloody attack on the children its rating will more than likely go down. Some form of new safety measures would be an ideal way to regain the confidence of the parents of the schoolchildren and the rest of the population.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Obama taking health care push to Ohio

President Obama is traveling to Ohio to push for his health care bill. He will speak on "going through why reform is important, going through what it will do the minute he signs the legislation on behalf of millions of Americans, discussing what happens, again, if we decide now is not the time," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said at a news briefing Friday. Obama has asked Congress to cast the final vote on this bill. This bill would extend coverage to about thirty one million Americans. In response to this bill Republicans have stated that it will not slow the upward spiraling costs nor will it lower taxes and premiums of middle-class Americans. It could also lead to deep Medicare cuts. Democrats are aware of the American dislike for this bill and so, according to Republicans, are trying to force the bill through by reconciliation. Recent public opinion polls have illustrated the general American dislike for the health care bill, although individual elements of the bill are still popular.

This health care bill will do no good for our country. Costs will rise substantially as middle-class Americans are forced to pay for those who cannot afford health care. Thus, higher taxes and premiums for the middle-class. If Americans are opposing the bill, why even continue with the Congressional debates? Obama is wasting his time, slogging through the country, campaigning for something that Americans, and even twelve of the Democrats in Congress, don't approve of. Abortion costs would be also covered under this health care bill. Abortion isn't a health issue and those who want to have an abortion should bear the consequences of their actions rather than trying to fix their problem with the quick and easy solution of abortion. This bill would only make that easier which is something that does not need to be done.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ex-Toyota lawyer says documents prove company hid damaging information

Dimitrios Biller, former defense lawyer for Toyota, resigned his top-ranking position recently. He worked for the company from 2003 to 2007. He quit because, even then, Toyota was apparently committing "criminal acts" such as withholding information the company was legally required to turn over to plaintiffs' lawyers during litigation. When Biller left the auto giant he took with him 6000 internal documents which contain classified information on everything from roll-overs to roof safety to sudden unintentional acceleraction. Thus far Toyota has successfully managed to keep Biller from testifying against them.

Clearly Toyota has been involved in this scheme of withholding information for many years. It surprises me that only after a major incident, such as the current recall, has the world found out about the criminal activites of this auto company. I think that Toyota was extrememly thoughtless in their actions: it seems as though they knew beforehand about the problems with the accelerator yet they allowed those cars to enter the market nevertheless, believing it would save them money. But now that hundreds of people are suing the company for the injuries and other problems the sudden unintended acceleration caused, Toyota finds itself in possibly worse trouble than it would have if they had just fixed the problem imeadiately. They should have solved the issue while it was at its root rather than wait until it had stemmed out into an almost unmanagable crisis.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Archdiocese defends decision to deny children because of lesbian parents

In Boulder, CO a Catholic schoool is excluding two young children of lesbian couples from attending. They are enrolled this year but will not be allowed to continue their education next school year. The Denver, CO the archdiocese is defending its decision saying that "[T]he Church does teach that sexual intimacy by anyone outside marriage is wrong; that marriage is a sacramental covenant; and that marriage can only occur between a man and a woman. These beliefs are central to a Catholic understanding of human nature, family and happiness, and the organization of society. The Church cannot change these teachings because, in the faith of Catholics, they are the teachings of Jesus Christ." DignityUSA and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation opposed the decision and declared the archdiocese to be in the wrong. This decision was made public last week although the children themselves have not been identified publicly.

Seeing as this school is a Catholic school I think the archdiocese was right in preventing these children from entering school. Even though it is only their parents and not necessarily the children themselves who believe and are involved in a lesbian lifestyle the parents may nevertheless instill in them these beliefs. When the children learn the Catholic principles and Bible teachings in school those teachings will conflict majorly with what the children see and are taught at home. This sets up a harmful mental and emotional confusion and the children will not know whom to trust or believe. Also the Catholic Church was founded on these teachings and they still work for the church today. Why change something that has proven to be successful other hundreds of years?