Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Archdiocese defends decision to deny children because of lesbian parents

In Boulder, CO a Catholic schoool is excluding two young children of lesbian couples from attending. They are enrolled this year but will not be allowed to continue their education next school year. The Denver, CO the archdiocese is defending its decision saying that "[T]he Church does teach that sexual intimacy by anyone outside marriage is wrong; that marriage is a sacramental covenant; and that marriage can only occur between a man and a woman. These beliefs are central to a Catholic understanding of human nature, family and happiness, and the organization of society. The Church cannot change these teachings because, in the faith of Catholics, they are the teachings of Jesus Christ." DignityUSA and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation opposed the decision and declared the archdiocese to be in the wrong. This decision was made public last week although the children themselves have not been identified publicly.

Seeing as this school is a Catholic school I think the archdiocese was right in preventing these children from entering school. Even though it is only their parents and not necessarily the children themselves who believe and are involved in a lesbian lifestyle the parents may nevertheless instill in them these beliefs. When the children learn the Catholic principles and Bible teachings in school those teachings will conflict majorly with what the children see and are taught at home. This sets up a harmful mental and emotional confusion and the children will not know whom to trust or believe. Also the Catholic Church was founded on these teachings and they still work for the church today. Why change something that has proven to be successful other hundreds of years?

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